
Images included:

  • selenium/base: Base image which includes Java runtime and Selenium JAR file
  • selenium/hub: Image for running a Selenium Grid Hub
  • selenium/node-base: Base image for Selenium Grid Nodes which includes a virtual desktop environment and VNC support

Selenium node

  • selenium/node-chrome: Selenium node with Chrome installed, needs to be connected to a Selenium Grid Hub
  • selenium/node-firefox: Selenium node with Firefox installed, needs to be connected to a Selenium Grid Hub

Selenium node + PhantomJS

  • selenium/node-phantomjs: Selenium node with PhantomJS installed, needs to be connected to a Selenium Grid Hub

Selenium standalone

  • selenium/standalone-chrome: Selenium standalone with Chrome installed
  • selenium/standalone-firefox: Selenium standalone with Firefox installed

Selenium standalone + VNC server

  • selenium/standalone-chrome-debug: Selenium standalone with Chrome installed and runs a VNC server
  • selenium/standalone-firefox-debug: Selenium standalone with Firefox installed and runs a VNC server

Selenium Node + VNC server

  • selenium/node-chrome-debug: Selenium node with Chrome installed and runs a VNC server, needs to be connected to a Selenium Grid Hub
  • selenium/node-firefox-debug: Selenium node with Firefox installed and runs a VNC server, needs to be connected to a Selenium Grid Hub

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