git push 指令


  • 將本地端新增的送交紀錄,發佈至遠端


範例 說明
git push origin master 發佈 master
git push origin v0.0.1 發佈標籤至遠端
git push origin :dev 刪除遠端 dev 分支

設定 Upstream

參數 -u 等同於 --set-upstream (上游),設定 upstream 可以使分支開始追蹤指定的遠端分支

git push --set-upstream origin master

// 縮寫
git push -u origin master
git branch --set-upstream-to=github/master master
git push

情境:有時候 push 不上去

  1. git pull
  2. git push


usage: git push [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]

    -v, --verbose         be more verbose
    -q, --quiet           be more quiet
    --repo <repository>   repository
    --all                 push all refs
    --mirror              mirror all refs
    --delete              delete refs
    --tags                push tags (can't be used with --all or --mirror)
    -n, --dry-run         dry run
    --porcelain           machine-readable output
    -f, --force           force updates
                          require old value of ref to be at this value
                          control recursive pushing of submodules
    --thin                use thin pack
    --receive-pack <receive-pack>
                          receive pack program
    --exec <receive-pack>
                          receive pack program
    -u, --set-upstream    set upstream for git pull/status
    --progress            force progress reporting
    --prune               prune locally removed refs
    --no-verify           bypass pre-push hook
    --follow-tags         push missing but relevant tags
                          GPG sign the push
    --atomic              request atomic transaction on remote side

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